2019/2020 NZIODA Committee

Meet your 2019/2020 NZIODA Committee Members voted in at the AGM held at the Optimist Nationals :


Glenn Armstrong - Coaches Pathway, Worser Bay Yacht Club

Gavin Brady - Skills Coordinator, Wakatare Boating Club 

John Bullot - Officials Pathway, Murrays Bay Sailing Club

Bryce Day - Secretary, Murrays Bay Sailing Club  

David Kayroz - President, Wakatare Boating Club  

Dan Leech - Sailor Pathway / SI Rep, Charteris Bay Yacht Club

Emmanuel Malpot - Selection Coordinator, Nelson Yacht Club

Andy Stone - Asset Coordinator, Kohimamara Yacht Club  


The Committee meet the first Wednesday of every month with each member responsible for a different area of the class association. It is great to have a spread of Committee Members representing different clubs from around the country and bring different skills and experiences to help drive the class forward.  


Please feel free to approach any of your local Committee members if you'd like further information or to discuss anything to do with the class.

The Committee looks forward to working with all members over the coming season.


NZIODA Committee
